Naming Your Puppy: Choosing The Perfect Puppy Name

156475_903262427975_386905140_nNaming your puppy is an exercise in fun, but it’s also a big decision! Choosing the perfect puppy name for your newest family member can take some thought and planning. Here are a few suggestions when picking a name for your puppy that will suit him or her from puppyhood on:

  • Length: The fewer syllables in your dogs name the better. A dog will respond quicker to a name like “Barney” or “Pickles” than he will to “Rumpelstiltskin”, for example.
  • Unique: Finding a unique dog name is part of the fun…something different or descriptive of your puppy, or something that’s just fun. But remember – there may come a time when you’re in the city park calling his name. Oddly, “Fetch, Flearoy!” may not make you feel as proud as you might think.
  • Sounds: Dogs may not distinguish between subtle sounds; try to refrain from choosing a name that sounds like a command: Bo (“No!”), Fletch (“Fetch”), or other commands like sit, speak, stay, etc.
  • If you’re into “celebrity”, there are some cool dog names out there: Snoopy, Gromit, Peabody, Poochie, Edgar (Lyndon Johnson’s dog), Brains (Inspector Gadget) and Lou (Cats and Dogs)

Once your puppy comes home, you have plenty of time to choose a name. Think about your favorite books, movies, TV characters or browse websites like for ideas…naming your puppy after a real winner can’t be a bad thing!