How to Remove Skunk Smell From Your Dog
Has your dog been sprayed by a skunk? Even if the answer is no, you should know what to do – just in case. There are products on the market such as Skunk Off and Skunk Kleen that are designed to get rid of the horrible smell, but there is also a simple home remedy that […]
Can A Dog Eat Corn on the Cob?
Corn on its own, is not toxic or generally harmful to dogs. Corn is found in many dog foods on the market. If you scrape off a few kernels (don’t make corn your whole dogs meal) from the cob and offer them to your dog or allow him to clean off some corn remnants as […]
5 Tips for Bad Dog Breath
We’re all aware that bad breath is one of the worst things a dog can have, and most all of us dog owners experience stinky kisses from our pets every now and then. Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is caused by excessive build-up of odor-producing bacteria inside of your dog’s mouth, lungs or even […]
Toxic Plants Your Dog Should Avoid: What Plants Are Poisonous To Dogs
How much do you think you know about what plants are poisonous to dogs? The fact is that there are many different types of plants and flowers can be poisonous – even deadly. The list below of toxic plants your dog should avoid offers some insight into how careful you need to be. Side effects […]
Dog Grooming FAQ: Facts, Tips & Information on Dog Grooming & Care
Grooming your dog is easy! How should you care for your dog? How to reduce shedding? What’s the best way to clean dogs with floppy ears? Browse our dog grooming facts and tips below and get the answers to some of your questions! Q. How often should I brush my dog? A. Brushing your dog once a week […]
Choosing the Right Dog Food
What Makes a Good Dog Food? Good food for dogs will consist of natural fats and oils, contains meat based protein, and is free of chemical flavors, preservatives, colors, and byproducts. In addition, it is qualified to meet your dog’s nutritional requirements. Below are a few of the researched and recommended dog food brands on the […]
February is National Pet Dental Health Month!
February is National Pet Dental Health Month! The American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and several veterinary groups are sponsoring National Pet Dental Health Month throughout February to adress the significance of oral healthcare for your pets. Periodontal disease is a very common clinical condition in cats and dogs that can not only give them bad breath but […]
How To Clean Your Dogs Ears
Knowing how to clean your dogs ears and making it a habit at least once a week will reduce or eliminate the chance of your dog getting an ear infection. A Beagle’s ear flaps for example are prone to getting frequent or occasional bacterial infections. You can buy an ear cleaner for dogs from your […]
Common Household Dangers for Your Dog
Many common household items can be dangerous to your dog, as listed below. Houseplants – Many common household plants can be toxic to your dogs. Electrical Wires – Spray wires with Bitter Apple. Bones – No chicken, steak, ham, pork or rib bones. You may purchase marrow bones from the grocery store (bones with marrow showing in both […]
Dog Separation Anxiety – Does Your Dog Suffer from Separation Anxiety?
One of the greatest joys of dog ownership is the bond we build and encourage with our dogs. However, if your dog becomes too dependent on you, dog separation anxiety can occur when you are away from your dog. Dogs can either react to a lack of exercise and/or the stress of being separated from their leader […]