Signs Your Dog is Suffering from Seasonal Allergies
Your dog’s little sneezes might sound cute but there is a chance they are suffering from seasonal allergies. Grass, mold, pollen and dust can activate allergies in dogs and humans alike. Environmentally triggered allergies are popular this time of year and your adorable pup is not safe from the suffering. Since dogs can’t tell you […]
Tips to Get a Dog and Cat to Coexist
Have you seen those cute videos of dogs and cats snuggled together and behaving like best friends? If so, you probably wish your cat and dog could coexist with each other. While most dogs and cats live in harmony, others are simply not safe to be around each other. The temperament of both pets plays […]
How to Lower the Risk of Your Dog Getting Separation Anxiety When You Return to Work
Your dog’s wishes came true when you and the entire family were forced into quarantine over the past year. During this time your pup has received endless attention, belly rubs, yummy treats, and loads of attention. For humans, being quarantined was quite challenging at first. However, your pet helped you adapt to the good life […]
How to Keep Your Dog Calm at the Groomers’ or Vets’ Office
We love our dogs and want what is best for them. Sometimes this means a trip to the veterinarian’s office or the groomer. Unfortunately, many dogs hate visiting these places because they end up being handled, poked and prodded. They also frequently have to undergo procedures that seem frightening or invasive. Keeping your dog calm […]
What to Do When Your Dog Barks in Their Crate
You love your dog and you’ve provided him with a roomy, comfortable crate with everything he needs. If he’s been crate trained from a young age, he’s probably quite happy in his crate, playing with a toy or napping. Sometimes, however, a dog starts to bark excessively when crated. It’s usually the result of having […]
Is Your Dog Afraid Of Storms? Read These Seven Tips!
Ah…Summer! The chirping of birds, the smell of freshly cut grass, the warmth of the sunshine, the sound of children playing, and the simple pleasure of walk in the park. There are so many wonderful sights and sounds that color our world. For many of us, there is nothing quite as spectacular as a rowdy […]
Taking Care of an Older Dog: Nika Loves Willie
Pam Sissons is a writer, blogger, owner of and Founder/Partner in eVision Digital Marketing, LLC. The joys of getting a puppy don’t really prepare you for how much responsibility comes with taking care of an older dog. As we have adjusted to dealing with it in our household, we received some unexpected assistance! Willie […]