Looking for emergency vets in Saratoga? Find phone numbers, addresses, maps and driving directions to the most trusted emergency and urgent care vets in the Saratoga Springs and Latham, NY area.
Capital District Animal Emergency Clinic
Phone: 518-785-1094Address: 222 Troy Schenectady Road (Route 2) Latham, NY
The Capital District Animal Emergency Clinic (CDAEC) was developed by local veterinarians in 1984 as a means to provide emergency/urgent care services and continuous care of hospitalized critical patients beyond those services available during normal veterinary hospital hours of operation.
Northway Veterinary Hospital
Phone: 518-761-2602Address: 35 Fawn Road, Gansevoort NY 12831
Northway Veterinary Hospital Emergency and Specialty Services is a privately owned and run veterinary specialist and emergency center situated in Gansevoort, NY just north of Saratoga Springs. Our team of experienced, passionate, and caring vets and vet techs are here to ensure you have access to the best available emergency and specialty veterinary care in […]
Burlington Emergency & Veterinary Specialists
Phone: 802-863-2387Address: 1417 Marshall Avenue Williston, VT 05495
As Vermont’s only specialty and 24/7 emergency animal hospital, Burlington Emergency & Veterinary Specialists (BEVS) provides a level of care you simply won’t find anyplace else in the state. From expert emergency and critical care 24 hours a day to advanced veterinary specialty and referral services—including surgery, internal medicine, dentistry, neurology, rehabilitation, radioiodine therapy, and […]
Upstate Veterinary Specialties
Phone: 518-783-3198Address: 152 Sparrowbush Road, Latham, New York 12110
In addition to a full complement of emergency doctors, our emergency and critical care service is supported by licensed veterinary technicians, assistants, and client relations staff to maintain the highest level of patient care. Our emergency department triages and treats critical cases 24/7, as well as maintains and manages the care of hospitalized patients from […]